A colour addon for OpenFrameworks


ofxAlbers is an addon for OpenFrameworks providing an easy interface to creating colour palettes - either by scrapping a Dribbble shot or via more traditional Colour Theory.

Full docs


A quick demo generating colour schemes from Dribbble shots and standard colour theory palettes (Demo can be found in ./example-demoWithGUI)


See full docs here. The following is a very basic example of how to use some of the methods:

Creating a new palette from a Dribbble shot

(Caveat: Assumes a very specific HTML structure as there is no public API exposed, potential to change.)

shared_ptr< vector<ofColor> > colours;

DribbblePalette * palette;
colours = palette->createPalette("https://dribbble.com/shots/2585138-Sunset-Badge");

Creating a new theory palette

AnalogousPalette * palette;
palette->createPalette(ofColor(255, 255, 0));

Using the static colour functions

ofColor myCol = ofColor(255, 0, 0);
ColourPalette::lighten(myCol, 20);

Performing operations on whole palettes

MonochromePalette * palette;

Assigning and copying palettes

// Can be performed like expected, as the shared pointers are handled.
TriadPalette triad1;
triad1.createPalette(ofColor(255, 0, 0));

TriadPalette triad2 = triad1;